Sunday, June 6, 2010

BFF or Your True Friends??

Wahai sahabatku aizuddin, knape ko t'tibe bleh write something like that?? Ko write mcm kitorg nih bkn friends ko..S'tahu aq, ko pon bengang after what happened ari tuh, right?? Suddenly ko mcm blame kitorg plak & be on her side..We all not that mad at her but after ko write mcm tuh, aq rase ko nih da jd mcm paan plak..Always backing her no matter what..Kitorg tau she is ur BFF but what about us?? Only this year kot ko mule rapat ngan die tp ko da rapat ngan kitorg for years man..Xkn sbb stupid shit like that ko nk treat kitorg mcm nih?? Kitorg x kesah pon after ape yg ko da wat kt kitorg when u became close with her (u know what i mean)..Ko nk kitorg wat per weyh?? Xkn smpai nk m'lutut kt die?? As far as we all know, this is her fault & she's the one who should apologise to us (she's such an egomaniac)..After what just happened that day, kitorg pon die x tego eventhough die yg b'salah dlm hal nih..Ko nk kitorg maafkn die tp die ckit pon x minx maaf (face to face)..So mcm mane larh ko expect kitorg nk maafkn die wahai sahabat??