Friday, July 9, 2010

Is It Wrong??

stop this nonsense weyh..
aq x suke dieyla lngsung ok..
just frens & remains that way till i die..
aq x penah lngsung minx dieyla break ngan eman..
die happy ngan eman so nape aq msti wat cmtuh??
kalu aq ckp aq x wat pon,
mcm larh korang p'caye plak kn..
face the fact yg i'm not single anymore..
and 1 thing for sure, aq mmg loyal to my girl..
only God knows..
korang pon mmg x penah nk p'cayekn aq kn..
so what's the use of becoming frens??
guess i'm not good enough for u guys..
that's why u hate me more than anything in this world..
aq just blanje die coz nk calm her down jer..
mcm aq x penah blanje korang plak kn..
bkn nk m'ungkit, just a simple reminder..
bout pujuk2 tuh plak,
aq just concern ok..
pelik larh kn t'tbe tgk die sedih & then nangis while kite sume ngah enjoy..
ko pon akn wat the same thing for God sake..
for sure u'll be there for her if aq x der kt situ..
if x suke aq became frens with her, it's ok..
i'll back off..
just nk satisfy kn hati korang..
bout BFF tuh..
i don't even know what's that really suppose to mean rite now..

to eman : i'm sorry's all just a fucking mistake..


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